As our teacher Don mentioned about "nerds" in the class, "Otaku" is similar word of nerd with a little more positive image. And today, I had been surrounded by LOTS of OTAKUs at the event "Fan Expo CANADA 2008."
Oh my god, this is quite an event.. unique, different world, and.. LOTS OF OTAKUs!!!
..including my husband Luke :-/
* * *
Do you know what the cosplay (= costume play) means? Some people wear things the characters in movies or TV shows (or magazines) wear. Take a look at pictures below, you might recognize some characters.
Left : Darth Vader & General Grievous from Star Wars
Right : Lara Croft from Tomb Raider & Catwoman
Looked like Superman and Namor are friends and Wonder Woman had a partner who looked like an usual civilian.
Anyway, all three comes from American Comics.
Left : Storm Troopers from Star Wars in wedding style..
Right : Mommy's trying to pull back a Little Yoda(!?) waking away.
Left : Awesome-o (Cartman was wearing in South Park to fool Butters)
Right : Ghost Busters
So, how many of them did you know?
For the science fiction fans, meeting the actors of SF movies/shows seems to be a huge treasure. This year, many actors were at their booths with their pictures. People were lining up to wait for their turn, and paid them to get their autographs on their photos. As you imagine, Luke and I got pictures with 2 actors and autographs of them. Both of them are famous in the SF TV show "Battlestar Galactica."

"William Adama"

"Chief, Galen Tyrol"
BUT, of course it is NOT FREE.
There were at least 10 actors sitting and responding crowds. These people spend hundreds of dollars happily for taking pictures with them.. which we can not afford. We had to choose carefully with asking our wallet, because costs are different depending on actors.
For the picture with "Chief," the donation to the Canadian Cancer Society was required, instead of paying to his management company or whatever. Isn't it nice of him?
For the pictures of other actors, we had to do some sneaky job. You know you can not walk into them and ask them if you can take pictures of them, of course the answers would be NO. So we tried to get closer as possible, and took the pictures below without flashes.

A.I. Data from Star Trek TNG
* TNG = The Next Generation

Captain Janeway from Star Trek Voyager

He's gained weight... or aged?
Sam the Hobbit from Lord of the Rings
Last time when we went to the similar event two years ago which was only for SF fans, we saw Gorge Takei from Star Trek and got his autograph. He is a Japanese American and told me in Japanese that his root is in Yamagata prefecture (very countryside), Japan. Some of you may know, he came out from his closet as a gay few years ago, and he uses this fact as joke sometimes on some shows. Humorous and funny guy.
* You want to see? Click HERE to my Japanese blog!
The event "Fan Expo" has several categories , such as horror, comic books (manga), TV games, and animations in addition to the science fiction. Many booths are there in the convention centre, and you could see those things..
Horror Section;
You can actually buy those special effect parts.
F.Y.I., "the brain hat" is $250 though..
Left : Life-size figure of dead body.. wwww
Right : Look at his eyes!! All black!!
The mask of Joker from Batman the Dark Night)
You may recognize some other masks..
Comic Section;
The mask of V for Vendetta
Left : the figure of Hellboy from HellboyⅡ
Right : You also can be a life-size figure!!
(This is Jason, our friend)
Or you want to keep staying away? ;-)
Or maybe you can't wait to expose yourself in there?
Wait for next year and keep checking their website!!
( <-- I don't even know who they are imitating.. probably some characters from manga (comic), animation, or game.)