November 14, 2008

The Reality of Romeo

As you know, I wrote about our cat, Romeo, on my former post. Some of my friends told me that he does not look so chubby.. well, even though actually HE IS. Therefore, I decided to show you his reality. Here he is;

Pregnant!? / Turkey!?
* Romeo is a male cat.

His fat goes limp like something melting down slowly when he goes into sleep. It is like Daifuku (大福), a Japanese traditional sweet, is made from rice cake and some stuffing (traditional one has red bean paste inside). Compare with the picture above ("Romeo in pregnancy")!! I am sure touching his tummy exactly feels like touching Daifuku! Mmmm, I want to bite! XD

Not only his chubbiness, you can also take a look at his "boooo (thumb's down) face" when my camera accidentally flashes.

↓ ↓ Zooming in.. ↓ ↓

Booooo face..

Although the time saving system here gave us one hour of extra sleeping time on November 2nd, Romeo's stomach does not understand that the feeding time for him has been changed. He had woken us up at 5:30 before, and because his little brain does not recognize human winter time, of course, the alarm time of his satiety center automatically orders him to start meowing - oh my gosh - at 4:30 in every morning! As I wrote, once he understands that we are not going to get up just by his meowing, he starts to jump up onto us with his 17.5bl of weight!!! We have to change our posture as lying on our tummy to protect our organs from Romeo to crash! I know he does not mean to kill us (I hope); however, we still have to keep being in patience until the clock tells 7am, time to feed him.

Some people who owns a cat would say that we can just leave some dry food while we are sleeping. I know it works for SOME cats. For Romeo? NO. He'd eat off EVERYTHING in a bowl AS SOON AS he finds them. Also the doctor's (vet) order we've got from Yasuko, an agent of adaption agency, ties our little desire which we wish that we could feed him as much as he wants.

The flyer of Romeo we got from Yasuko recently says; "He needs someone with an iron will to make his diet stick. Cuddles and laughter will be your reward and a guarantee you'll never be bored." This fryer was spread last January for seeking out the nice foster family for him, and oh man, the picture of him is much chubbier than him now. I am so glad that the former family and Yasuko took great care of him. On the other hand, I wonder how hard it was..

In addition, my younger female cousin, Mika, emailed me a picture of her baby boy from Japan and said, "Romeo's weight as 8kg (= 17.5lb) is exactly the same as his, my 7 months old boy." Oooookkkkaaayy, I guess now I understand why my shoulders have been so sore in these days.. I feel like I became a mother of 7 months baby all the sudden.. hum, indeed, he meows for milk too.

Anyway, here is the picture of her baby boy, Kensuke. Soooooo cuuuute, isn't he??? I actually met him in May 2008 when I went back to Japan for HOLIDAYS. Time flies so fast.. at that time, he was just a little tiny baby though.

While his owners are in such great suffer from his health concern, he fell into a deep sleep as soon as he finished off his wet can food in 30 seconds. I bet a speed-eater ends up gaining lots of flabby too..

One of his sleeping style with his eyes are open..
(Don't worry, he is alive.)

October 13, 2008

A New Family Member

6:00am. Something really heavy comes up on my belly and passes over, and comes back up again. I try to go back to sleep, but it wouldn't let me; my chin touches something textured and this "textured" thing starts to go around all over my face.

"Meow (Wake up!)"

OK, get up me, time to feed him.

Our "little" guy was arrived on October 10, which was also our 4 years marriage anniversary. He is 4 years and a half old male cat (same old as me if he were human), and has been called by this name "Romeo," since the original owner had him. Plus, he is a chubby heavy little boy. Well, "little boy"? No, no, no, he is CHUBBY boy as 8 kg = 17.5 lb weight ..very chubby as a cat; therefore, he has been on diet by having diet cat food.

A week ago, we went Markham (suburb) for this blind date to Yasuko's house, who is his temporary foster mother and volunteering for Animal Service at the town of Markham. She owns 5 cats including the 18 years old one who came from Japan with her and her husband. (The house they live now is the 9th house for this cat. Her husband's business made them move often.) I don't know how other 4 cats got her place; however, what surprised me was that 2 of them (brothers) understand Russian language, and Yasuko sometimes talks to them in Russian.

There were 7 cats including Romeo in her house. 6th one was a little, "actually little" male kitten "Red," who is looking for foster family. Many people prefer baby one than adult animal; however, it would be good for me as a newbie to own a cat, since we don't have to teach where they have to have their businesses or sleep. I've heard those disciplines are sometimes hard to teach, even if the owner had some experience. Romeo is well trained and mature so we did not have to do anything to teach him. In addition, his front claws were removed by the original owner (he got a surgery for it) which one thing we would never do though, so we didn't have to worry about him clime up everywhere and drop anything off or make scratch on some furniture, for good or bad.

But, those "easy to care" parts are not the only the reasons we adopted Romeo. He is, as you see, very chubby. He needs being on diet and exercise, but he is also super lazy and does not want to move his bum even an inch. When Yasuko threw his favorite toy ball to him which makes some crinkle noise, he tried to catch it with the posture lying on tummy at the stairs, and failed. I made more crinkle noise by crashing and touching the ball to encourage him to get it, but he did not move his bum from that step. The only one thing he did was to extend his left forefoot to one step down, moreover, he stopped trying as soon as he understood that his left forefoot can not reach the ball from the position he was. I see that he cares about this ball, really does. But he looks at me and expect me to bring it just in front of his face, so he can chew. What a lazy cat!!!

His chubbiness is also very obvious from his figure which Yasuko calls "seal." Not only when he sleeps, he stomps; walks with heavy steps (or pound) to get food (only for food). Moreover, his figure especially when he eats, reminds me "Tsuchinoko," legendary snake-like cryptid animal (Wikipedia, "Tsuchinoko").
Compare Romeo with Tsuchinoko!!


Romeo / Egg Plant

Also, when he sits, his fatty part hides his hind legs. It probably makes his legs tired and numb, he usually can not keep this posture long. Few minutes after he sits, his body would be dropped on his belly. Then the heaviest part of him lands on the floor peacefully.

Anyway, once we saw Romeo, we just instantly fell in love with his those unique atmosphere. Fortunately, our decision of adoption made Yasuko very happy too. (She also thinks that Romeo and Luke are very alike, not only the attitudes, their looks and faces are similar. I strongly agree!) Finally he moved us with many "trousseau" : his bed, his mat for a nap, his litter box with sand and a scoop, his toys, his food bowl, and diet food which other cats hate and wouldn't even go near.. he loves them.

Adopting him made our anniversary and Thanksgiving holiday really happier. We hope that he finds comfort in his new home here and recognizes us as his family.

September 13, 2008

TIFF - Achilles and the Tortoise

What if the person who you really love can not give up following his or her dream and makes your life really hard? Would you give up on him/her? Or you would be willing to support him/her by sacrificing your time, energy, and maybe love? Well, some people might not want to call it "sacrifice" though..

The movie "Achilles and the Tortoise" became my first experience of the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) , finally after three years of life in Toronto. Directed by Takeshi Kitano, a.k.a. Beat Takeshi as a Japanese actor and a comedian, who is also a Golden Lion winner of the Venice Film Festival in 1997 with "HANA-BI." I grew up with watching him on TV as a comedian, and his way of humor including lots of bad words entertained kids so much, like some schools and PTA had banned their students and kids watching his shows. Many kids were against it and therefore it became a kind of social issue at that time in 80's.

* One of his comedy shows was broad casted in U.S. in 2003 with its English title "Most Extreme Elimination Challenge (MXC)," and "Takeshi's Castle" in U.K., Germany, and Philippine, "Humor Amarillo" in Spain. So you can probably watch some of them on YouTube. This show made almost every family in Japan laugh so much and his image better.

The title of this movie comes from the one of Zeno's paradoxes, "When the tortoise starts running one interval ahead than Achilles who is an immortal and able to run really fast, the tortoise would never be caught up by him." In the reality, he would, eventually, but in the world of the consciousness of sub-one which is infinity, he would never. This is the paradox.

* * Zeno : An ancient Greek natural philosopher of the Eleatics, born in Elea, South Italy (around BC 490 - 430).

[ About the movie ]

The story is about a man, Machisu, (named after a famous French painter "Henri Matisse") who loves drawing and painting, and wants to be a famous as an painter, and his wife, Sachiko, who understands and supports him devotedly. Even though his life as a son of a rich guy and could anything that little boy wanted was totally changed to the opposite, when he had to go through his parents' death. Since then, only he has focused was to become a famous painter, as his parents were dreaming of with him.

The movie is divided into three parts; his childhood, adolescent years, and adulthood, and each of them have some paradoxes (I'm not going to spoil those juicy parts Pepe, like I almost did to Ruben last time about "Kite Runner"!!). What interests me is, that you might be able to guess that Achilles could be Machisu, but the tortoise can be anything, depending on how you feel about these paradoxes. There are plenty of elements that you can think of as the tortoise; moreover, those the tortoises-to-be can give you each different themes what this movie tried to tell you.

OK, I will give you only one sentence that you might will miss from one scene. When you watch this movie, this sentence probably will not have its subtitle since this is not a spoken line. One of Machisu's painting has a caption says "Belief brings possibility." To me, this can be both, true and false. If you don't believe what you can, you will never achieve the point you were dreaming of; however, you might not achieve ever or you can not know when you will achieve. Possibility is only possibility forever when the percentage is less than 100. You are not sure if possibility turns out to be fulfillment, other than you strongly "believe"the possibility of fulfillment.

I heard some applauses when the movie started to show the end roll; moreover, I heard some people (both in Japanese and English) said that they did not understand at all. This kind of style can create mixed reputations or reviews, because of the answer or theme of the movie is not crystal clear, like his other movie Dolls(1987). It is not like Hollywood blockbuster movie which tells you easily what is good and what is bad so you have to think about it or just push away to think.

Anyway, only one thing I am sure is, that I can not be like Sachiko, the wife of Machisu. I probably would feel that I can not help Machisu like she did, if I were her. I would understand what he loves and wish I could help him using all of the things and emotions I have. But I would get scared of the reality. I can not even imagine how deep Sachiko loved him..

I liked this movie. This could not be my favorite of Takeshi Kitano's work unfortunately; however, the style of using children brilliantly in his movies has still remained and the music is also very, very beautiful and matches the atmosphere. I was relieved that Kitano did not use his favorite (so as mine!!) composer Joe Hisaishi who has also created Hayao Miyazaki's Studio Ghibli world with his beautiful, nostalgic aria and harmony. The new composer Kitano chose for this movie is Yuki Kajiura who works for many TV advertisements, game softwares, and some animation films, I think she succeeded to make fans of Hisaishi's music in Kitano's movie satisfied as keeping Hisaishi world by using the same style of harmony he uses (mix uses of the 6th, 7th, and 9th cords with the basic triad, and uses of the Musical mode). I'm going to buy this soundtrack CD for sure!!

Let me know when you watch this movie, so we can discuss about it!!

The poster of Achilles and the Tortoise

August 23, 2008

Fan Expo '08

There is a word "Otaku" in Japan.
As our teacher Don mentioned about "nerds" in the class, "Otaku" is similar word of nerd with a little more positive image. And today, I had been surrounded by LOTS of OTAKUs at the event "Fan Expo CANADA 2008."
Oh my god, this is quite an event.. unique, different world, and.. LOTS OF OTAKUs!!!
..including my husband Luke :-/

* * *

Do you know what the cosplay (= costume play) means? Some people wear things the characters in movies or TV shows (or magazines) wear. Take a look at pictures below, you might recognize some characters.

Left : Darth Vader & General Grievous from Star Wars
Right : Lara Croft from Tomb Raider & Catwoman

Superman, taking a picture of Wonder Woman and Something I don't know.. (Our friend Derek taught us later that it is "Namor" from the comic the Sub-Mariner.)
Looked like Superman and Namor are friends and Wonder Woman had a partner who looked like an usual civilian.
Anyway, all three comes from American Comics.

Left : Storm Troopers from Star Wars in wedding style..
Right : Mommy's trying to pull back a Little Yoda(!?) waking away.

Left : Awesome-o (Cartman was wearing in South Park to fool Butters)
Right : Ghost Busters

So, how many of them did you know?

For the science fiction fans, meeting the actors of SF movies/shows seems to be a huge treasure. This year, many actors were at their booths with their pictures. People were lining up to wait for their turn, and paid them to get their autographs on their photos. As you imagine, Luke and I got pictures with 2 actors and autographs of them. Both of them are famous in the SF TV show "Battlestar Galactica."

"William Adama"

"Chief, Galen Tyrol"

BUT, of course it is NOT FREE.
There were at least 10 actors sitting and responding crowds. These people spend hundreds of dollars happily for taking pictures with them.. which we can not afford. We had to choose carefully with asking our wallet, because costs are different depending on actors.

For the picture with "Chief," the donation to the Canadian Cancer Society was required, instead of paying to his management company or whatever. Isn't it nice of him?

For the pictures of other actors, we had to do some sneaky job. You know you can not walk into them and ask them if you can take pictures of them, of course the answers would be NO. So we tried to get closer as possible, and took the pictures below without flashes.

A.I. Data from Star Trek TNG
* TNG = The Next Generation

Captain Janeway from Star Trek Voyager

He's gained weight... or aged?
Sam the Hobbit from Lord of the Rings

Last time when we went to the similar event two years ago which was only for SF fans, we saw Gorge Takei from Star Trek and got his autograph. He is a Japanese American and told me in Japanese that his root is in Yamagata prefecture (very countryside), Japan. Some of you may know, he came out from his closet as a gay few years ago, and he uses this fact as joke sometimes on some shows. Humorous and funny guy.
* You want to see? Click HERE to my Japanese blog!

The event "Fan Expo" has several categories , such as horror, comic books (manga), TV games, and animations in addition to the science fiction. Many booths are there in the convention centre, and you could see those things..

Horror Section;

You can actually buy those special effect parts.
F.Y.I., "the brain hat" is $250 though..

Left : Life-size figure of dead body.. wwww
Right : Look at his eyes!! All black!!

The mask of Joker from Batman the Dark Night)
You may recognize some other masks..

Comic Section;

The mask of V for Vendetta

Left : the figure of Hellboy from HellboyⅡ
Right : You also can be a life-size figure!!
(This is Jason, our friend)

Now, are you interested in this world?
Or you want to keep staying away? ;-)
Or maybe you can't wait to expose yourself in there?
Wait for next year and keep checking their website!!

( <-- I don't even know who they are imitating.. probably some characters from manga (comic), animation, or game.)