Recently we moved to the new apartment and it didn't have a plug for our bath tub. We decided to buy one which I had specific idea for. I searched on the internet where I can buy this product without walking around and wasting my time, and I found the shop "Ashley" in Downtown Toronto.
Have you been to this shop? This is an expensive gift shop which sells high quality plates and utensils mainly; such as china, ceramic, pottery, crystal, and so on. People seem to like register for their wedding gift or buy expensive gift for somebody else, there are always many customers walking around and getting advice from the shopkeepers.
Ashley also have big shelves of designer's collection of everyday sundries, which I love to browse like a gallery. One of my favorites is Alessi, an Italian company, established in 1921. They produce designer's goods which are modern, artistic, sophisticated, and neat. Some of you may have seen their products;

Wine Opener / Sommelier Knife

Kettle / Basket / Juicer
The bath plug I wanted was designed by Massimo Giacon for Alessi in 2000. It has a name, "Mr. Suicide".

He floats to the surface like reaching for air when you take a bath. When I saw him first time, I just fell in love with.
Yes, I went to Ashely and asked the shopkeeper lady. She told me that she is going to bring the product from the storage room after I purchased it, so I paid and waited. 5 minutes later, she told me to wait little more. "He" was probably the cheapest products Ashely has, I thought it was taking a time to look for. Then 5 minutes later, she came back with a bag and full of smile.
"I am so sorry that it took so long to wrap."

What? I didn't ask for wrapping. What is this golden box with this golden ribbon?
Hum, maybe it is somebody else's, because it looks more than three times bigger than Mr. Suicide..
"Oh no, this is yours, a bath plug. Thank you dear, have a great evening."
She gave me the bag has a big golden box with a big golden ribbon, and a receipt looks like a small birthday card. This hard, again "gold", card was folded in half, had date, my name, address, phone number, - Wait a minute, how did she know my personal information? Oh yes, she asked me when I paid! It was so natural and fast and I didn't even notice that I was asked. Wow, she could do a good job if she was a scammer..(or I am a damn) It also had information of price, product name, company's name and how I paid. Now I have to shred this golden receipt after I check if the product has no problem.
On a way home, there was the elderly lady waiting for light next to me. She saw my clear bag showing a golden box with a golden ribbon so obvious, and asked me what I bought.
"Ahh, some daily goods."
I could not say that it was a tiny bath plug for myself. She said, "I love Ashley. Your friend will be very happy with that gift, whatever it is."
After I got home, I started unwrap it; took it out from the clear plastic bag, took of the top ribbon (it was stapled on the other part of ribbon), untied the ribbon, open the box, unwrap the paper with logo of Ashley, and unwrap the paper stuffed in the box...
There you are, Mr. Suicide!!!

He was in the box which Alessi originally packed him in as his own package. His face was exactly telling me how he suffered from such amount of packing supply made him difficult to breath. And the actual length of him was the one fifth of the box Ashley used.
Now every time I take a bath, he looks very comfortable to float on my bath tub, doing his job well. However, he also reminds me how much human being wastes resources for unnecessary stuff. Unnecessary - he might not be necessary to exist, he is valuable to me. So much wrapping could be valuable to somebody else. Humans might be already "Mr. Suicide" himself.
I have to say I didn't see the ending coming on this post! But then, I haven't been shopping in a place like that in a while.
You guys seem to be able to find interesting stuff (see There is, I think, important spiritual value in having design in your environment. It's a kind of economy -- which is a word that should have a spiritual dimension as well as a material dimension: how can you keep the planet better if you can't see beauty around you?
Hey~ It's amazing.. I really like that. I think I have to buy it. ^^
Yes, indeed.. human being wastes lots of sources for packaging. However, sometimes, I feel package is one we can bring pleasure to a friend as well.. Unfortunately, when we have a present with beautiful package, we should tear it off to see what's inside.
I hope we could make packages to resue... then we can give two gifts to our friends to save the world. ^^
I'm fascinated with your writing...
Introduce me a good resturant to have steak or lobstar.. do you know any of them IN Toronto. ^^
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