Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, Summerlicious!!!
I can not miss this. I LOVE food.
Summerlicious has been started July 4, 2008. According to the City of Toronto's website, over 130 restaurants are participating and providing their special course menu for this event, you can have them by reasonable price such as $15-$20 for lunch and $25-$35 for dinner.

The restaurant we chose this time, Bloom, is located between Jane station and Runnymede station on Bloor Street West. Although I made our reservation few hours ago, luckily we could get a table for four people for Saturday lunch. I walked into at the head as exactly as I was proud of myself since I failed making reservations last year for Winterlicious, and I told the server about my reservation. He asked me what my phone number was, with full smiley face. I explained him that nobody asked over the phone. Then suddenly, his face got frozen.
"What? No number? What a beautiful!!"
I pretended that I did not hear it, but his voice was high enough to hear. I could not understand whether he got upset or it was not a big deal. Maybe he was having a bad day? I don't know. To me, if the customer who has right name with right number of people arrived at the restaurant right on time, missing the phone number should not be a problem. It also didn't sound like joking at all.
Anywayyyyyyy. Let's talk about FOOD. That must make me feel much better.
I can not miss this. I LOVE food.
Summerlicious has been started July 4, 2008. According to the City of Toronto's website, over 130 restaurants are participating and providing their special course menu for this event, you can have them by reasonable price such as $15-$20 for lunch and $25-$35 for dinner.

The restaurant we chose this time, Bloom, is located between Jane station and Runnymede station on Bloor Street West. Although I made our reservation few hours ago, luckily we could get a table for four people for Saturday lunch. I walked into at the head as exactly as I was proud of myself since I failed making reservations last year for Winterlicious, and I told the server about my reservation. He asked me what my phone number was, with full smiley face. I explained him that nobody asked over the phone. Then suddenly, his face got frozen.
"What? No number? What a beautiful!!"
I pretended that I did not hear it, but his voice was high enough to hear. I could not understand whether he got upset or it was not a big deal. Maybe he was having a bad day? I don't know. To me, if the customer who has right name with right number of people arrived at the restaurant right on time, missing the phone number should not be a problem. It also didn't sound like joking at all.
Anywayyyyyyy. Let's talk about FOOD. That must make me feel much better.
For Summerlicious, basically you choose each one you like from appetizer, entree, and dessert. By the way, has any of you had an experience that looking at the menu confused you? I had, when I came to Canada first time in my life. Why? Because menu here doesn't have any pictures; names of meal are gergons to me, it takes a while to imagine what you are reading about items. I came from a big service country (which has good and bad though), Japan, which has pictures of items at most of restaurants so there was no need to imagine and no need to ask.
Oops, let's go back to food AGAIN. In most cases, I get lost easily when I am really excited to talk about my favorlite things.
Items I had;
- The seafood on this plate were shrimp, squid, and scallop. Presentation on this dish amazed me and made me wondered where I should start. I felt that didn't want to make any mess on this colourful, beautiful plate. Of course I finished in 5-7 min. though - too hungry to FEEL food.
# Ceviche : (South America, Peru) Flesh seafood, mixed with onion and chili pepper, marinated by lemon zest.
- Seafood again. I love them, as much as rice. This usually is the moment I recognize that I am Japanese. I don't like spicy food like chili something, but this meal had good spices which lead risotto as boring taste usually, to wonderful delicious meal.
These below are plates others chose;
Are you done with your imagination for this topic? Then I have some addition for you.
Their washroom might be able to be one of topics you can make, during the conversation. The washrooms have mirrors at three dimensions on the four walls. If you are female, you would not care so much, because the wall you are looking at does not have any mirror. But if you are male - you have to face to your face when you are having a small business.
A husband of my friend found it first and immiedately made rest of us feel excited to see. Of course, my husband was the only one another person who reacted and agreed so much with his discovery.

After all, it was a very wonderful lunch at the nice, sober and sophisticated restaurant, even though the server left us a little question and mirrors were wierd.
The event continues until July 20.
Try summerlicious as many as possible, if you are FOOD lover!!
* find participated restaurants and their menu for Summerlicious 2008
Bloom Restaurant
* find participated restaurants and their menu for Summerlicious 2008

1 comment:
I have sometimes heard people from some other countries wonder at the kinds of things that happen at times with waiters in Toronto. I guess it's not so unusual for me -- but there are places in the world (places where I have never lived) where being a waiter is a profession that people do all their lives. Here in Canada, and in the U.S., many people who are waiters seem to be students or people who are waiting to be "discovered" by big Hollywood producers . . .
I remember when we were in Paris, we went to a cafe on the Isle St. Louis, and we found their the most amazing professional waiters. They were older guys, they could speak 5 languages, they could get into an interesting conversation with anyone, and -- most impressively -- they could entertain babies without fail, appearing at the moment the kid was about to lose its temper. The one we talked to told us he was about to retire to the house he had bought on the island of Majorca in Spain -- so I guess he wasn't totally poor. . .
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