August 19, 2008

Cafe Crepe

On Queen Street West, in front of the City TV building.
Enter and get one step ahead, the mood of 50's atmosphere surrounds with big old movie posters on walls and well-polished geometric patterned floor, and appeals to the senses if you tripped to some cafe in Europe. At the same time, the fresh-baked sweet aroma cocoons everybody in floaty bliss -- this is a cafe, "Cafe Crepe."

Some reviews says that "Cafe Crepe had brought everything Parisian from France into Toronto." Mmm, the word "Parisian" itself, sounds very soothing, even though I have never been to France.

You may imagine that their specialty is crepes, but also their espresso is very good. I love espresso-based drink such as cappuccino, mochaccino, or latte, and they use illy coffee beans (Italian coffee brand, uses Arabica beans - "considered to have a richer taste and lower caffeine content than Rubusta beans," Wikipedia).

Look at this cappuccino!!
To get to its liquid part, you have to use a spoon and dig in this huge amount of form milk, which has 5cm thick and 3cm higher than the edge of the cup, tastes even sweet without adding any sugar -- if you want this, order "large size." ;-) You'd better be sure that you are extremely hungry.

This is their mochaccino. The difference between cappuccino and mochaccino is chocolate syrup, and whipping cream on top (you can order with no whipping cream - who would?). My husband loves this mocchachino because it's much sweeter than other mocchachino he has ever had. Oh, the mochaccino in this picture is "regular size," F.Y.I.

My recommendation for the crepe here are the savory crepes. Crepe probably sounds like a sweet dessert for you, but cheese and vegetables (of course meat too - sorry, Leo) make crepe beautiful meal. The crepe dough(?) itself is moist in center part and crispy at its edge. Especially in this picture, I know it may look too simple or boring, but it would blow you away to the heaven.
Try it anyway! You'll thank me.

And here you go, for SWEETS LOVER!

Dark Chocolate & Banana
(whipping cream -$0.50, vanilla ice cream -$1.00)

They also have some sandwiches and grilled sandwiches (Panini). I am not a big fan of big amount of bread and buns usually; however, I accidentally ordered grilled Panini instead of crepe with Swiss cheese, ham, and tomato because all ingredients look alike, only differences are skins, outside. But -- oh, my gosh, it was an amazing mistake. Sooooo good. The cheese was melted nice and hot enough and it was a gorgeous combination with the ham and tomato, pressed between fresh baguette sliced in half with buttered around.
It is reasonable, fills your tummy with happiness!!

Order their outside counter and take it with you. I would be great spice for your explore on Queen Street West Village which has bunch of artistic shops like pop-culture shops, antique shops, furniture shops, and galleries!!

Cafe Crepe (Map)
238 Queen Street West
Toronto, ON M5V 1Z7
Tell : 416-260-1611
Sun-Thu 9am-10pm
Fry-Sat 9am - midnight

1 comment:

Don said...

I remember going there with Fabiola and her mom a few days before Nathalie was born. Maybe it was such a sweet place that she found it inspiring . . .